King Salmon Fishing Spots in The Puget Sound
King Salmon Fishing Spots in The Puget Sound

King Salmon, also known as Chinook Salmon, is one of the most sought catches among fishing enthusiasts in the Puget Sound region. King Salmon fishing requires patience, the right gear, and most importantly knowing the right time and place.

King Salmon Fishing on the Beach Shores

King Salmon usually likes to dwell in deep waters, but it is also common to find them near the shores throughout the Puget Sound. During the summer season, you can find many anglers fishing at piers, beaches, and canals.

King Salmon Fishing on Rivers

Around the fall, winter, and spring seasons, many anglers try their luck at nearby rivers. They’re not as large but can still be a tasty catch.

Deep Sea Salmon Fishing –

Deep sea salmon fishing around the Puget Sound area is the most exciting and rewarding way to catch these prized fish. During the summer months, you can many of these fish make their way into deep parts of these waters. It is common to see and catch King Salmon weighing around 20-40lbs.

Here at Puget Sound Sports Fishing, we offer deep sea fishing charters in Seattle and surrounding areas. With over 30+ years of experience, we make sure that the entire experience is memorable for you and your group. Our fishing charter starts at $240 a person and includes bait, tackle, cleaning, and bagging your fish.

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